Stressati o preoccupati per il COVID-19? Tecniche di gestione step-by-step dello stress per aiutarti durante la pandemia
Torino: Global Psychology Alliance, in collaborazione con Ordine degli Psicologi...
Bisogni psicologici del personale sanitario e tecnico-amministrativo piemontese nellâemergenza COVID-19. Psychological Needs of Healthcare Staff in Piedmont during the COVID-19 Emergency (PNE â Cov-19). Relazione finale
Ordine degli Psicologi del Piemonte, Servizi di Psicologia della Regione Piemonte...
Linee di indirizzo psicologiche in risposta allâemergenza sanitaria COVID-19
Ordine degli Psicologi del Piemonte e Servizi di Psicologia della Regione...
Maximising the Benefits of a COVID-19 Vaccine: Getting the Psychology Right
Psychological Society of Ireland (2020)
Howâs your Head? A Guide to Staying Afloat Post-COVID 19
Irish Second Level Students Union (2020). Dublin: OCO
ICS Guidance on the Use of Video Communication for Patients and Relatives in ICU
Intensive Care Societyâs Legal and Ethical Advisory Group (2020). ICS Guidance on...
The Relaunch. Back to School After COVID-19 Restrictions
Psychological Society of Ireland (2020). Dublin: PSI
Meeting the Psychological Needs of People Recovering from Severe Coronavirus (COVID-19)
British Psychologial Society (2020). Leicester: The British Psychological Society
Family, Friends and Carers. Your COVID Recovery.
University Hospitals of Leicester (2020). Leicester: NHS Trust
Guidelines for the Practice of Telepsychology
American Psychological Association (Joint Task Force for the Development of...